Due to my schedule, I can currently only coach around 2/3 lifters full time
This is due to setting stringent quality targets which mean I will dedicate a large portion of my weekly time to each of my lifters
I am extremely data-driven; data analysis is what I get paid to do - I use my experience and knowledge to interpret quantitative data
I set high goals for myself so I expect the same from my lifters
I am extremely selective and will only coach those who are willing to sacrifice to achieve their best
Initial Analysis
Ongoing Personalised Training Programs
Training Video Review and Feedback (Daily)
Video Call Review (Weekly)
Mobility / Movement Pattern Analysis
Ensuring IPF Standard Lifting
Meet Day Handling (Remote)
Attempt Selection and Competition Peaking
Training Sessions Together (Where Possible)
Mindset Motivation / Advice
If you are only lifting to stay fit, (that's great but) I am not the right coach for you
If you want to win competitions, please: